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First Time Managers

Delivery Format   :  In Person Workshop  or Virtual Live Online Training | Consequent days or time spaced.

Program Duration: 3 Days In Person Workshop|  24 Hours  Virtual Session


To organise this program in-house, call us on 9980514510 / 9845193266 

or mail us at

Business Conference

"Manager are not people who can do the work better than their teams; They are those people who can get their teams to do the work better than them".

(altered definition inspired by Frederick Smith)


Becoming a manager doubles our responsibilities. As managers we are not only responsible for our performance but also that of our team. From being an individual contributor to a manager is valuable transition in the life of a professional. However, for the first-time manager this shift can be dramatic as well as unnerving at times.


This assignment can be daunting without careful preparation and readiness to take on the challenges of the new role. Managership is a demanding role. The intricacies of the responsibilities grow deeper when a manager is also called upon to demonstrate leadership from day 1. 


Our program for 'First Time Managers' is a carefully crafted learning journey which equips new managers with required skills for their success in the new avtar. 



Course Objectives

  • Learn to establish trust & credibility with team members.

  • Master the art of good planning and robust execution.

  • Build communication abilities to influence with ease.

  • Learn ways to manage all stakeholders effectively.

  • Demonstrate time leadership in business execution.


Content Overview

  • Drivers of Managerial Success

  • Planning & SMART Goal Setting 

  • Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making

  • Interpersonal Relationships

  • Building Trust & Rapport

  • Stakeholder Management

  • Team Building

  • Prioritizing & Time Management

  • Effective Delegation

  • Managing Up and Down

  • Giving Constructive Feedback

  • Appraisal Conversations

Who Will Benefit

  • First Time Managers

  • Emerging Leads

Training Methodology

Participants will immerse in intensive practice sessions during the workshop, through use of active simulations, games, activities, short role plays, case review, scenario evaluation and demonstrations.


Program content is curated based on target audience work experience and contextualization is as per learner's role and responsibilities.

Program customization is available on request.

Training Format

Our programs are delivered in 3 formats:

  • In Person Workshop 

  • Virtual Live Online Training 

  • Blended

Training Duration 

Standard Program is or 3 Days (24 hours). In-person workshops can be delivered in a time spaced format. This program can be delivered virtually in time spaced format of 2 hours each. Blended formats are also available.

For program customization speak to our consultants :
Contact us on
9980514510 /9845193266
mail us on

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