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coaching skiLls for managers and leaders

Delivery Format   :  In Person Workshop  or Virtual Live Online Training  |

Consequent days or time spaced.

Program Duration: 1 Day In Person Workshop | 8 Hours Virtual Session


To organise this program in-house, call us on 9980514510 / 9845193266 

or mail us at

Business Meeting

"An insightful question can spark a person to see themselves and the world differently and solve their own challenges." - Christopher Jones | Forbes.


Good leaders lead people. Great leaders develop other leaders. The one goal of leadership that cannot be refuted or marginalized is the unsaid expectation from leaders to grow more leaders. For this to happen, their ability to coach and mentor comes to test. Coaches work to get the best out of people. They aim to bring to fore the untapped potential of their coachees. It is an intensely dependable relationship based on trust, and competence to fire an unusual and insightful line of thought.


Coaching uses inquiry-based exploration of values and beliefs of the coachee, co-creation of goals and coachees ownership for goal delivery and designing of smart action plan for success. The approach used is ASK vs TELL. The role of the coach is to invite coachee to enhance their own self-awareness and self defining a well-directed learning pathway. This is achieved by using powerful questioning techniques.  Coaching is positive, proactive, non-judgemental, solution focused and challenging towards higher goals.


In this course 'Coaching Skills for Managers & Leaders', we aim to build coaching mindset and strengthen coaching abilities in managers and leaders.


Course Objectives

  • Building the coaching capability of people managers.

  • Inspire people to seek higher outcomes.

  • Guide team to build strong business perspectives.

  • Motivate and charge team to be more and do more.

  • Strengthen trust with team.


Content Overview

  • Coaching Fundamentals

  • ​Building Trust & Rapport

  • ​Being an Inspiring Coach

  • Asking Questions that Provoke Thought

  • ​Result Oriented Communication

  • Feedforward and Feedback

  • Celebrating Success​

Who Will Benefit

  • Team Leads

  • Managers and Senior Managers

  • Directors and Functional Heads

  • C-Level Members


Training Methodology

Participants will immerse in intensive practice sessions during the workshop, through use of active simulations, games, activities, short role plays and demonstrations.


Program content is curated based on target audience work experience and contextualization is as per learner's role and responsibilities.


Program customization is available on request.

Training Format

Our programs are delivered in 3 formats:

  • In Person Workshop 

  • Virtual Live Online Training 

  • Blended

Training Duration 

Standard Program is of 1 Day ( 8 hours).


In-person workshops can be delivered in a time spaced format. This program can be delivered virtually in time spaced format of 2 hours each. Blended formats are also available.

For program customization speak to our consultants :
Contact us on
9980514510 /9845193266
mail us on

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